Monday, February 7, 2011

The TA Office

I am currently in the political science TA office, as I am every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Unlike the first day I was here, when I was the only person in this room and it was beautifully silent, there is now seven other TAs, all of which are either political science or international relations majors. As you may assume, they continually erupt in heated discussions over current events topics and whether or not students’ papers deserve a failing grade.

It is entertaining, really.

While I am not entirely unconcerned with current events, public policies, whether or not democrats are more educated than republicans etc. etc, I choose not to involve myself with their discussions. Part of this comes from my lack of energy on Monday afternoons, and the other part comes from the fact that I like to use this bi-weekly hour to peruse wedding blogs or other wedding-related things. Last week I spent the hour registering online, looking at ratings, reviews, descriptions, prices, and pictures for cutting boards, sheets, and frying pans on Today, I took the opportunity to catch up on my favorite wedding blog:

And now it is 4 o’clock, which means I get to go clock out, head back down the hill to my apartment, and resume my tax homework.

Happy Monday.

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