Friday, May 13, 2011

Praying for warmth.

I'm getting married in 8 days. Holy smokes.
This means a variety of things, one of which being that the 10-day forecast now includes my wedding day. Thus, I have been checking daily.
I know it's the middle of May, and spring is in full-swing, but come on people, it's Oregon. Unless it's July or August, rain is always a possibility.
So far, the forecast for the 21st has been in the low- to mid-60s, with a chance of rain (changing from 60% down to 20% today).
The little picture also changed from a cloud with rain to a sun with a cloud in front of it. I'm hopeful.
...if only 62 degrees could magically change to 72 degrees.

But no matter what the weather decides to be, I know be I'll be happy.


Amber Whiteley said...

I can't wait. :) and As much as you might stress about weather up until the wedding, I'm sure you won't even noticed if there's a hurricane going on the actually day. :)

Jessica O. said...

its considered good luck if it rains! so happy for you , congrats!